Financial accounts 

Financial accounts statistics is exceptionally important and one of the most complex statistics. It is part of the integrated system of national accounts, which present financial assets and liabilities by sector over a period of time. Compiling financial accounts statistics is extremely complex, as it involves use of various data sources that are often designed for other statistical purposes and can be set on various methodological bases. All this requires extraordinary effort for proper combination and creation of data sources hierarchy from primary statistics and numerous other data sources.

The usefulness of financial account statistics is immense, as it provides detailed information on the stocks and flows of financial assets and liabilities by sector, their structure by financial instrument, as well as the mutual financial exposure to sectors. Therefore, financial accounts are an important source of information for economic policy makers.

In December 2020, the National Bank for the first time is publishing data on the annual Financial accounts of the Macedonian economy (AFAME). Starting from October 2023, financial accounts data are with quarterly periodicity.

Debt securities 

The debt securities data show the financial links based on the financial instrument - debt securities, among the sectors in the national economy and between the sectors of the national economy and the rest of the world. The data are shown on a “from whom to whom” basis, by sector of holders and sector of issuers of debt securities. More specifically, the data refer to the stock of domestic and foreign debt securities held by resident holders, as well as the stock of domestic debt securities held by non-resident holders. The data are prepared in accordance with international and European statistical standards.

The debt securities table provide systematized and more detailed presentation of debt securities data that are available, on a more aggregated level, within the financial account statistics framework, where data for all financial instruments are presented.